Practice this powerful breathing technique at least once a day in a quiet space free of distractions. This may cause lightheadedness so it should be exercised in a stable environment.
Sit upright (or cross-legged) in a position that allows your lungs to expand deeper than if you were lying down or with your back against something - however those positions also work. Pick a hand position that feels comfortable. Close your eyes and observe your natural breathing for a few moments - or until your shoulders drop a bit and you feel natural in your breathing patterns.
Keeping your eyes closed, breath out slowly and thoroughly through your mouth. Gently let out all the air from your lungs. As you do so, pull your belly in - in order to fully empty your lungs.
Lightly inhale through your nose for a count of 4. This time, allow your belly to EXPAND fully. You may need to unbutton your pants. This may feel unnatural at first - but think of yourself as a little Buddha - and expanding your belly will feel good and natural after contracting it during your last breath out.
Hold your breath for a count of 2, 4, or 6. Whatever feels natural for you.
Keeping your eyes closed, exhale out with lips parted for a count of 8. (You might make a soft “haaaahhh” sound like you are breathing onto a pair of glasses.) You are also going to ask your belly to fully contract (or pull in) again during the 8 counts. Draw your belly in as you exhale - like you were trying to make your belly pancake against your back. Again, this may feel unnatural at first - like you are squeezing all your breath out of your body.
Repeat this breathing pattern 3 or 4 times (no more than 4) - whatever feels best for you. It will become easier to move from contract to expand.
Open your eyes and take a moment to return to your natural breathing pattern. SLOWLY move into your next activity as these breathing exercises can make some lightheaded.
Some people gently place their tongue on the roof of their mouth closest to their top front teeth during the inhale and release their tongue during the exhale. Try this if it feels comfortable to you.
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