We are meant to live our fullest and best lives.
Let's make all your wishes come true.
You are a spiritual being having a physical experience, not the other way around. Here we are separated by physical form - our true spirits, however, are a collective one.
Your spirit, will inhabit this physical form until it cannot sustain life anymore. Our true spirits are boundless. We are connected to everyone and everything.
In moments when you feel alone, remember that you are not alone. Not even for one moment. The energy of everyone thinking about you, or sending you love, faith, well-wishes, success, joy, ease in your journey or healing, is transferring from their (our) spirit to yours. You may not be able to see the energy with your eyes, however if you quiet your mind you can feel it with your spirit.
This oneness includes the spirits of loved ones, guardian angels, divinity or divine spirits and any other faith being(s) you hold dear.
Einstein’s theory of special relativity states that E = mc² . Without diving too deep into quantum physics, Einstein (born 1879) was expressing the idea that mass and energy are different forms of the same thing and are interchangeable; and he wasn’t the first to relate energy to mass.
The smallest atoms that comprise your physical self are in constant motion; they have energy. So do the atoms in trees, the chair you sit on and everything else that is seemingly solid. Nothing is solid really. The energy in the atoms is simply moving at a different speed than we are - and so we perceive mass as solid.
All energy, in reality, is in motion and connected.
This much we know: energy is constantly flowing and it is not discerning. Energy is simply a mirror. What flows out flows in. In this way, the combined energy of all mass and of your spiritual energy (your intentions, focus, wishes, dreams and attention) attract similar energies in the mass of the entire universe - often referred to as the quantum plane.
As a result, if you send out confident energy, energy attraction means that you will attract confident energy. If you send out open energy, you will attract open energy. Want to guess what you will attract if you send out frustrated or defeated energy?
All life, and all matter, are connected energetically. You have likely witnessed this when you walk into a room and you can feel the energy, or when someone else walks into a room and immediately changes the energy.
We can tap into this collective energy to create our best and fullest life.
Do you want to CREATE a new reality?
Have you been dreaming of following through on a wish or on a passion?
Is there something you need or want?
Are you finding yourself at a crossroads?
Let's manifest together.
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